the css menu is not a problem

Mar 12, 2008

Link syntax

Hi James,
thanks for detailed review of the problem.
I don't know how to explain, why it's stop a menu from working.

These links must contain only href, target and button name.
Other elements will not affect or will stop a flash menu from working.


Hi Support,
Just thought you might be interested in a problem I encountered, but have now been able to fix.
I wondered if you might want to add something about it to your FAQ's, in case anybody else has the same problem?
I use Dreamweaver to create web pages, and I also use the popular Studio VII extension by Al Sparber called "IE Link Scrubber". Perhaps you have heard of this?
The extension will remove the dotted "focus" lines around text and image links in Internet Explorer that are normally used to indicate the link has focus.
The extension does this by adding the following code to ALL the <A HREF=""> tags in a page, for example;
The effect this has on the F-Source menu is as follows.....
<!-- f-source menu navigation settings (search engines friendly) -->
<!-- Change these links and press F12 to test -->
<div id='menu' style='position:absolute; visibility:visible;'>
<div><a href=''>Flash menu</a></div>
<div id='submenu'>
<div><a href='' target='_blank'>SubButton1-1</a></div>
After running the "IE Link Scrubber" .....
<!-- f-source menu navigation settings (search engines friendly) -->
<!-- Change these links and press F12 to test -->
<div id='menu' style='position:absolute; visibility:visible;'>
<div><a href='' onfocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()">Flash menu</a></div>
<div id='submenu'>
<div><a href='' target='_blank' onfocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()">SubButton1-1</a></div>
<div><a href='' onfocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()">SubButton1-2</a></div>
Strangely the F-Source menu continues to work fine in the Firefox browser (my preferred test/dev browser), but when I ran Internet Explorer (version 7) the F-Source menu does not work at all!
It took me quite a while before I realised that it was this pesky Link Scrubber code that was preventing IE from running the menu. (I was being fooled into thinking it was a problem with Flash security, and was even more confused when I added a different Flash movie into the page and that worked fine).
Eventually I identified the problem and removed the onfocus= tags, and it worked perfectly again!!
I didn't intentionally mean to add the Link Scrubber tags to the F-Source menu code (I don't need them there). It happened simply because the IE Link Scrubber extension affects all links in the page regardless, and I didn't spot that F-Source menu had stopped working in IE until some time later, by which time the actual cause of the problem was not apparent.
So there it is.
It would be interesting if you can explain why it would stop the F-Source Flash menu from working?
I do not need, nor do I expect the Link Scrubber to work with F-Source menu!
So I'm not expecting a fix or support.
But you might like to add this to your FAQ's or support blog for anyone else who gets this.

James Prior

Senior Developer
OPSIS Practice Management Solutions Ltd
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