Download the latest version here.
Oct 23, 2014
Vertical Flyout CSS Menu in 2 clicks
Download the latest version here.
Sep 10, 2014
How to create best website navigation menu
Aug 4, 2014
Simple way to optimize PDF files for web
Simple way to optimize PDF files for web
The post is not about CSS menu, but helpful for everyone who publish PDF documents online. PDFs are quite popular in the Web, but often used without any optimization. PDF file can contain huge images with masks, media files, fonts and unnecessary information. I have come across so often with huge PDF files, 100-200 Mb published online,
opening very slow in a browser. So I decided to write the post with the simple solution on how to optimize PDF easily and without losing quality.
PDF optimization, 10 times smaller, lossless compression
You can find many detailed articles about creating smaller PDFs and optimization. It's very complicated. I know you are in hurry and don't need details. Quick and easy solution is always better.
Required software (it's free):
- Actobat Pro. Acrobat 7.0 Pro - Free giveaway from Adobe -
For Windows it can be downloaded separately, for Mac in the Creative Suite.
The trick is simple:
- Save your PDF as postscript file(.ps)- Covert back to PDF.
(If you get errors try File=>Reduce File Size before saving in .ps format)
The process in images:
Save your PDF as postscript file
Save your PDF as postscript file
Covert back to PDF
The process fix many errors in PDF, if some other software require correct PDF file, e.g. flipping book PDF publication it's a perfect remedy for any problems with PDF.
Need more compression? (with some lose of quality)
Edit => Preferences => Convert to PDF => PostScript/EPS => Adobe PDF Settings - Smallest File Size
Preferences => Convert to PDF => PostScript/EPS => Adobe PDF Settings - Smallest File Size
Preferences => Convert to PDF => PostScript/EPS => Adobe PDF Settings - Smallest File Size
Preferences => Convert to PDF => PostScript/EPS => Adobe PDF Settings - Smallest File Size
Preferences => Convert to PDF => PostScript/EPS => Adobe PDF Settings - Smallest File Size
If you like to delve into the settings, use built-in PDF Optimizer in the Acrobat Pro. It has many options but resulting file size can be bigger. (Top menu => Advanced => PDF Optimizer)
Anyway the simple conversion PDF-PostScript-PDF works better for me usually.
Original articleJul 28, 2014
Create an icon-based CSS drop down menu in few clicks
Add mobile devices compatibility to your CSS menu with 1 click.
Responsive and touch screens compatible drop down css menu.
SWIMBI version 1.2.0 released.
Click here, to get >> The icon based CSS Menu Builder <<
Jun 26, 2014
Swimbi blog - CSS Menu Builders comparison
Apr 15, 2014
New Swimbi social page on Google+
Apr 9, 2014
New CSS Menu Builder website
Feb 5, 2014
Facebook page of the SWIMBI - Swift Menu builder
Feb 1, 2014
HTML5/CSS Menu Creator on Chrome
- Choose from 450+ icons.
- Select one of ready-to-use designs or create your own.
- Interactive "Welcome tour" helps to start easily
- Get a menu on your website in minutes
Jan 19, 2014
Absolute Widths on Menu Items
First-off, nice rework conversion of your Flash variant! I really like this CSS version.
Two items, though, that I think you should consider:
1) The ability to have multiple tiers; i.e. 2 horizontal menus, instead of a single line.
2) The ability to select a preferred color for menu line separators.
One problem I am having, however, is with the need for absolute width menu items. This is posing a big problem for me, as I MUST have 2 tiers. I am stacking 2 instances of the same menu version (though with different URLs, of course) atop one another, and for continuity, I need the line separators and menu items to line-up from top-to-bottom. In other words, menu items which are together from the top and bottom should have the same widths, so that the line separators match each other.
Can you think of any way for me to do this; perhaps in the CSS/JS code?
Thanks in advance,
Jan 14, 2014
Swimbi tutorials on Youtube
How to insert Swimbi menu on a website. How to insert Swimbi drop down menu to a website
Jan 10, 2014
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