Swimbi is now compatible with custom icon fonts created by Icomoon app. It means access to 4000+ free icons on Icomoon itself and ability to import any icons in SVG format from other websites.
1. The Icomoon Library provides access to 4000+ free icons.
2. Search flaticon.com - 76000+ flat vector icons, free for personal use.
3. Explore packs on flaticon.com A best way to find icons for a given theme.
4. Search iconfinder.com. Contains 545000+ icons, but you need only flat, vector icons in SVG format
Few more icon font websites:
5. glyphter.com
6. fontastic.me
7. fontello.com
Icon menu examples
Where to find new icons?
1. The Icomoon Library provides access to 4000+ free icons.
2. Search flaticon.com - 76000+ flat vector icons, free for personal use.
3. Explore packs on flaticon.com A best way to find icons for a given theme.
4. Search iconfinder.com. Contains 545000+ icons, but you need only flat, vector icons in SVG format
Few more icon font websites:
5. glyphter.com
6. fontastic.me
7. fontello.com