the css menu is not a problem

Dec 9, 2016

Drop down menu for Blogger, free and easy way.

Learn how to create Blogger drop down menu quickly and easily.

Mar 17, 2016

Optimize PDF, get real Twitter followers

Interesting fiverr gigs

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Relevant, active, interested Twitter followers

Optimize PDF for web, only $5
Optimize your PDF document for web

Dec 16, 2015

Multi-column CSS menu with search.

View live example and edit via Codepen.

You can  grab the code and use it for free. However I strongly recommend to avoid hand-coding and use Swimbi app to generate the same CSS Menu.

Sep 17, 2015

CSS Menu with Animated Icons

View live example and edit via Codepen.

You can  grab the code and use it for free. However I strongly recommend to avoid hand-coding and use Swimbi app to generate the same CSS Menu.

Sep 2, 2015

5 Useful CSS Tools for Web Developers to Save Coding Time

As the web developer, it is essential to grasp a series of CSS tools to speed up the coding time.

How can we find the useful tools to work effectively as there are so many CSS tools in the market? Here is the CSS tools I think you should know to improve the speed and efficiency of your own project.

Aug 7, 2015

Build your CSS Menu faster. Video tutorials.

Video introduction to Swimbi by Tom from

Swimbi app is a huge help for web designer or web developers. Swimbi Swift Menu Builder will save you time and money on over the counter headache meds when it comes to building navigation menus for your clients or yourself.

If you are like me one of the most annoying aspects of designing a website is the time you need to spend building the navigation menu. I feel like most of the time spent designing a website is spent on designing the navigation menu. I came across a software called Swimbi Swift Menu Builder. Do not confuse Swift in the title with the Swift Programming Language.  Swift stands for how fast you will be able to design a menu for your website. This software will help you quickly build stylish CSS menus for your website without all trial and error we have all done in the past and the best part you do not need any coding knowledge to use this software.

Swimbi - detailed options overview by Tom from

This tour of the Swimbi Swift Menu Builder user interface will be only an overview of all the options that we can use in our menu builds. We will actually build a few menus in the next couple Swimbi Tutorials.  If you haven’t already done so download the Swimbi App Once you have the app open we can take our tour through all the options we have for designing some CSS menus.

Jun 15, 2015

Iconic CSS Menu in minutes

Swimbi is now compatible with custom icon fonts created by Icomoon app. It means access to 4000+ free icons on Icomoon itself and ability to import any icons in SVG format from other websites.
unlimited icons in swimbi menu

Icon menu examples

Where to find new icons? 

1. The Icomoon Library provides access to 4000+ free icons.
icomoon library
2. Search - 76000+ flat vector icons, free for personal use.
search icons on
3. Explore packs on A best way to find icons for a given theme.
explore flaticon packs
4. Search Contains 545000+ icons, but you need only flat, vector icons in SVG format

Few more icon font websites:


Apr 14, 2015

Faster and easier to use with drag and drop and import

Technically the Swift Menu Builder is now quickest in the world menu creation software.
Because it can import your website links from anywhere, from your page, from another page, from file, from HTML code, from website.

You don't need to write or copy/paste menu links and captions.
  1. Drop your file in the app.
  2. Select design
  3. Publish

Feb 19, 2015

Sitewide updates for static websites in 2 mouse clicks

Swimbi release 1.6.0

What's new in the version:
Sitewide menu update with a single click.
- Simple template engine for static websites (update any repeating content)
- Even more icons for your navigation menu, 520+
- Improved source code editor ("Publish"==>"View Code"==>Edit==>Ctrl+S or Ctrl+Alt+S on Mac OS ) if you want to digg in the code.
- Fixed copy-paste in Mac OS X, and other issues.

Sitewide update for static websites

Sitewide UpdateSitewide Update
Why iframes or frames are still widely used (by novice web developers)?
Despite the fact that frames (or iframes) considered as a bad practice, many website developers still use them to embed one part of a page into another. As for menu, it is considered as typical webpage repeating element and often inserted in iframes. Besides other drawbacks, drop down menu is limited by its own frame size and cannot overlap other frames. That's why we do not recommend using frames or iframes at all.

To help solve the problem of updating all pages we made the "Sitewide Update" or "Simple Template Engine" feature, to help our clients with simple static pages.

You can update not only navigation menu, but any repeating elements of your website.
Just add the prefix to the elements IDs "sw-repeat-" to make Swimbi update it.
Click "Publish" button as usual...

Swimbi Publish buttonSwimbi Publish buttonThen "Update All"...

Swimbi Update All buttonSwimbi Update All buttonand "Update" button below the pages list.

Update static pages windowUpdate static pages window

Read more about the simple template engine

Download the latest version of the menu builder

Jan 14, 2015

Swimbi - CSS Menu Builder v1.5.0

New version of Swimbi (the Swift Menu Builder) is released.

It has many improvement of UI. New help system. Faster tab switch etc.

Create your perfect website menu for free with Swimbi.

- easily add icons (450+) included,
- unlimited drop down menus,
- SEO friendly,
- mobile devices compatible,

Oct 23, 2014

Vertical Flyout CSS Menu in 2 clicks

In Swimbi ver. 1.3.0 you can convert any drop down menu into vertical menu.
Swimbi is a quite powerfull, but intuitive tool to create CSS menus for websites.

Examples of vertical css menus

The latest updates allows to insert both horizontal drop down menu and vertical menu simultaneously.

Download the latest version here.

Sep 10, 2014

How to create best website navigation menu

If you don't want to lose potential clients by disorienting and confusing them, check your navigation for compliance with the key principles. 

Website Navigation Principles

Whether you create a new website or want to update existing one make sure to consider

Aug 4, 2014

Simple way to optimize PDF files for web

Simple way to optimize PDF files for web

The post is not about CSS menu, but helpful for everyone who publish PDF documents online. PDFs are quite popular in the Web, but often used without any optimization. PDF file can contain huge images with masks, media files, fonts and unnecessary information. I have come across so often with huge PDF files, 100-200 Mb published online,
opening very slow in a browser. So I decided to write the post with the simple solution on how to optimize PDF easily and without losing quality.

PDF optimization, 10 times smaller, lossless compression

Optimize PDF file for webOptimize PDF file for web

You can find many detailed articles about creating smaller PDFs and optimization. It's very complicated. I know you are in hurry and don't need details. Quick and easy solution is always better.

Required software (it's free):

- Actobat Pro.

Acrobat 7.0 Pro - Free giveaway from Adobe -
For Windows it can be downloaded separately, for Mac in the Creative Suite.

The trick is simple:

- Save your PDF as postscript file(.ps)
- Covert back to PDF.

(If you get errors try File=>Reduce File Size before saving in .ps format)

The process in images:

Save your PDF as postscript fileSave your PDF as postscript file
Save your PDF as postscript fileSave your PDF as postscript file
Covert back to PDFCovert back to PDF

The process fix many errors in PDF, if some other software require correct PDF file, e.g. flipping book PDF publication it's a perfect remedy for any problems with PDF.

Flip book PDF PublisherFlip book PDF Publisher

Need more compression? (with some lose of quality)

- Preferences => Convert to PDF => PostScript/EPS => Adobe PDF Settings - Smallest File Size

Edit => Preferences => Convert to PDF => PostScript/EPS => Adobe PDF Settings - Smallest File SizeEdit => Preferences => Convert to PDF => PostScript/EPS => Adobe PDF Settings - Smallest File Size
Preferences => Convert to PDF => PostScript/EPS => Adobe PDF Settings - Smallest File SizePreferences => Convert to PDF => PostScript/EPS => Adobe PDF Settings - Smallest File Size
Preferences => Convert to PDF => PostScript/EPS => Adobe PDF Settings - Smallest File SizePreferences => Convert to PDF => PostScript/EPS => Adobe PDF Settings - Smallest File Size
Preferences => Convert to PDF => PostScript/EPS => Adobe PDF Settings - Smallest File SizePreferences => Convert to PDF => PostScript/EPS => Adobe PDF Settings - Smallest File Size
Preferences => Convert to PDF => PostScript/EPS => Adobe PDF Settings - Smallest File SizePreferences => Convert to PDF => PostScript/EPS => Adobe PDF Settings - Smallest File Size

If you like to delve into the settings, use built-in PDF Optimizer in the Acrobat Pro. It has many options but resulting file size can be bigger. (Top menu => Advanced => PDF Optimizer)

Anyway the simple conversion PDF-PostScript-PDF works better for me usually.

Original article

Jul 28, 2014

Create an icon-based CSS drop down menu in few clicks

Add icons to your menu selecting them from a list. 450+ icons available.

Add mobile devices compatibility to your CSS menu with 1 click.
Responsive and touch screens compatible drop down css menu.
SWIMBI version 1.2.0 released.

Click here, to get >> The icon based CSS Menu Builder <<

Jun 26, 2014

Swimbi blog - CSS Menu Builders comparison

Of course CSS the perfect language for designing beautiful navigation menus. But what if you don't want to spend your time in learning and hand coding.

Fortunately there are many tools for CSS menu designing,
here isbrief comparison of 6 popular CSS/HTML Menu Builders,

CSS Menu Maker vs Likno vs Easy CSS Menu vs CSS3menu vs OpenCube vs Swimbi
Visit the page.